The Sneaky Nature of Phobias
Phobias, those intense and irrational fears, can creep into our lives and wreak havoc. What's not always obvious is how avoiding the things we fear and relying on safety behaviors can actually make those phobias worse. In this blog post, we'll explore how phobias start, grow, and become deeply rooted, using everyday examples to increase our understanding of phobias and learn what causes them.
The Birth of a Phobia: Where It All Begins
Phobias usually start with a specific event or situation that triggers fear. For instance, a scary encounter with a dog during childhood might lead to a lifelong fear of dogs. It's like a small crack in the wall of our confidence, and if we don't address it, it can widen over time.
The Role of Avoidance: The Fear-Fueling Strategy
When we're afraid, it's natural to want to avoid the source of that fear. Let's say you're terrified of flying; you might opt for long road trips instead. Avoidance seems like a solution – it temporarily eases your anxiety. However, each time you dodge the thing you're afraid of, your brain takes it as confirmation that your fear is justified. So, your fear gets stronger.
Example 1: Escaping the Skies – Fear of Flying
Imagine having a fear of flying. You avoid airplanes completely and choose to drive everywhere. Initially, it feels like the right move because your anxiety decreases. But, paradoxically, your fear of flying grows stronger with each avoided flight.
Example 2: The Shadow of Darkness – Claustrophobia
Let's say you have claustrophobia, a fear of confined spaces. You start avoiding elevators, small rooms, and crowded places. It might seem like you're protecting yourself, but you're actually reinforcing the belief that these spaces are genuinely dangerous.
Safety Behaviors: Illusions of Safety
Safety behaviors are like security blankets we rely on to feel safer when confronted with our phobias. These actions offer temporary relief but can make our phobias more deeply ingrained.
Example 3: The Spider Saga – Fear of Spiders
Consider arachnophobia, the fear of spiders. You use gloves and a long stick to remove a spider from your home. It seems like a smart move, but this safety behavior reinforces your belief that spiders are incredibly dangerous.

Breaking Free: Facing Fears and Seeking Help
To conquer phobias, it's crucial to gradually confront them through exposure therapy. This approach involves facing your fears in a controlled environment without avoidance or safety behaviors. Over time, your brain learns that the fear isn't as powerful as initially believed, and the phobia starts to lose its grip.
If you or someone you know is struggling with a phobia, don't let avoidance and safety behaviors make it worse. Reach out for support so we can can guide you through the process of confronting your fears and breaking free from the grip of phobias. To learn more about Phobias and other disorders we treat, click below.